deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Asiloid Flies
deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Sample of Asiloid Flies

News - August 2010

15 August, 2010 - 16:00 -- DikowT

The 7th International Congress of Dipterology took place in San José, Costa Rica from August 8–13, 2010. Several presentations related to the NSF REVSYS project on Mydidae were presented by Julia Almeida and Torsten Dikow. In the “Advances in Afrotropical Dipterology” symposium, Torsten presented a talk entitled “An overview of Afrotropical Mydidae – the most diverse mydid fauna world-wide” (view it here). In the “Phylogeny and taxonomy within the ‘orthorrhaphous’ Brachycera” symposium, Julia presented a talk entitled “Phylogenetic relationships within the Mydinae (Diptera: Mydidae)” and Torsten presented a talk entitled “Phylogenetic relationships within Mydidae based on adult morphology (Diptera: Asiloidea)” (view it here).