deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Asiloid Flies
deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Sample of Asiloid Flies

AAM specimen numbers

AAM specimen numbers are unique identifiers (LSIDs = Life Science Identifiers) currently employed by Torsten Dikow to identify individual specimens in taxonomic and phylogentic projects. ‘AAM’ is an abbreviation for ‘Apioceridae Asilidae Mydidae’ representing the family-group taxa that are being investigated.

Each AAM specimen number consists of the ‘AAM’ abbreviation, a hyphen (dash), and a unique 6-digit number.

‘AAM-000004’, for example, uniquely identifies a male specimen of Cacatuopyga basifascia (Walker, 1859) from Wawa Karaeng in Indonesia that is deposited in the ZMHB. See image here.