deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Asiloid Flies
deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history

Sample of Asiloid Flies

Wiedemann 1831 PLate 3

Wiedemann 1831 PLate 3

Wiedemann 1831 Plate 3
1st row left (Fig. 15) = Afroleptomydas rufithorax
1st row centre left (Fig. 16) = Afroleptomydas westermanni
1st row centre right and right (Fig. 17) = Afroleptomydas fasciatus, male (left) and female (right)
2nd row (Fig. 18) = Leptomydas lusitanicus, male (left) and female (right)
3rd row left (Fig. 19) = Messiasia virgata
3rd row middle (Fig. 23) = Syllegomydas vittatus
3rd row right (Fig. 20) = Messiasia notospila
4th row left and centre left (Fig. 21) = Cephalocera longirostris, male (left) and female (right)
4th row centre right and right (Fig. 22) = Arenomydas callosus, male (left) and female (right)

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